Mitchell Royel is an influencer who has more than 100,000 followers on Instagram. Recently, Royel’s followers noticed a shift in his content from traditional Christianity to Christianity blended with new age principles. “Many of the concepts that are popular in the new age movement are actually rooted in Christianity,” Mitchell said in a recent post.
“I believe that Christians could benefit from things like yoga and meditation.” One of Mitchell’s followers, who is also Christian, said she loves all of his new content. “It’s refreshing to see someone talking about Christianity in away that is relevant to my life,” she said.
Social media has played a huge role in Mitchell Royel’s success in spreading new age concepts throughout
Christianity. His large following on Instagram has given him a platform to reach many people with his message.
Additionally, the fact that his followers are already interested in Christianity makes them more likely to be open to his new ideas. Finally, the way that Royel presents his information, with personal stories and relatable examples, makes it easy for people to understand and connect with. As a result of all these factors, social media has been a key tool in Mitchell’s ability to spread his message and make new age concepts relevant to Christians.
Mitchell’s message has resonated with many of his followers, who have encouraged him to write a book and start hosting speaking engagements.
“I would love to see more people like Mitchell talking about Christianity in an accessible way,” one follower said. “His message is so important and I think it could really help people.”
Another follower said, “I would definitely buy a book by Mitchell, and I think his speaking engagements would be incredibly popular. He has such a unique perspective and is clearly very passionate about this topic.”
With so much support from his followers, it seems that Royel’s next step will likely be to write a book or start speaking at events about his ideas and how they relate to Christianity. Whether he uses social media, traditional
marketing channels, or a combination of the two to promote his work, it seems likely that he will continue to gain
popularity and reach new audiences with his message. In the end, Royel’s success in making new age concepts
relevant to Christians can be attributed to his ability to connect with people and his passion for sharing his beliefs.
You can follow Mitchell Royel at @mitchellroyel on Instagram.